Mutants and masterminds 3e character builder
Mutants and masterminds 3e character builder

mutants and masterminds 3e character builder mutants and masterminds 3e character builder

and now I spend an hour or two, sometimes even more, JUST on nonmagical equipment. Then as I played some more, the character creation time started rising. As I got used to 3.5, later pathfinder, little bit of SAGA edition, That time dropped, and dropped, until I could have a character ready to go in 5 minutes, although a class with spells might take me 10 minutes. It started where I'd spend maybe an hour or two to make a character. I went through this REALLY weird learning curve of character creation time. I almost always go through the grunt work of making it myself.

mutants and masterminds 3e character builder

I've used a character generator or two once, mostly just playing around with it. You can break that system six ways to Sunday if you have some crazy mechanics concept, but there's also room for some really interesting, thematic characters, so you can start from either end and meet in the middle. And this definitely falls on a spectrum, where I'd say the middle is probably World of Darkness and its various offshoots. On the other end you have systems that are lighter on mechanics or are just very open-ended in terms of options (Mutants and Masterminds, Smallville RPG, just about anything on the Cortex engine) you'd probably want concept first. The answer we came to "depends on the system." For D&D, Pathfinder, and systems that are very rules-heavy, you usually want to start with your mechanics. I actually got into a discussion with my sister once about whether it should be mechanics or concept first for character build. That's not to say I've never done that in reverse for those systems, that's just the way I find easier. In very rules-heavy systems like D&D 4e or Pathfinder, I usually go "build first, concept second." Basically I get the mechanics I'd find fun, then figure out what those mechanics indicate about the character behind them. Combined less book-keeping for leveling up, and it was a dream. I really like the 4e character builder, mostly because I could get access to all the cool tricks and items not in the books I had available.

Mutants and masterminds 3e character builder